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این پادکست از پادکست های کانال Listening Time انتخاب شده و برای تقویت لیسنینگ و مهارت های دیگر زبان شما فوق العاده است!! سطوح مبتدی و متوسط می توانند از آن استفاده کنند.

برای یادگیری بهتر لغات این پادکست حداقل ۳ بار در فواصل زمانی مختلف آن را گوش دهید.

Welcome to the Listening Time podcast. Hey everybody, this is Conner, and
you’re listening to Episode 94 of the Listening Time podcast. I hope you’re all doing
well. At the time of recording this episode. It’s still winter. It’s still the end of February,
and there have been storms and there has been bad weather where I live.
But when you listen to this episode, it will actually be the first day of spring. So,
I’m excited that spring is coming, and I hope you’re excited for this new season as
well. And actually, in this episode, we’re going to talk about spring today. This is the
topic of today’s episode. So, I chose a relevant one for today.

Before we start though, remember that if you want my specialized training, if you
want my help to improve your English and to understand native speakers, then make
sure to sign up to become a Listening Time Member, or any of the higher tiers of my
membership, and you’ll get my Listening Practice Seminars, where I help you train with
the sound system of American English so you can understand native speakers more
easily and also improve your own pronunciation.

And if you want my advanced podcast episodes, then become a Listening Time
Family Member or VIP, and you’ll get two new advanced episodes every month where I
speak at normal speed. So, you’ll have the chance to practice with real English. And if
you want to ask me questions regarding English or language learning, then become a
Listening Time VIP, and you can ask me questions every week, and I’ll answer those
questions in a video Q&A session. So, if you’re interested in that, click on the link in the
Episode Description below this episode.

That’s www.patreon.com/listeningtime
And remember and remember to follow me on Facebook because I post a lot of
English content on there. And I do live sessions, and so there’s a lot of good stuff for
you there, and it’s all for free. So, just click on the link in the Episode Description to
follow me on Facebook as well.

Alright, as I mentioned, we’re going to talk about spring today. This episode will
put you in the spring mindset and get you ready for this new season. Remember that
you have the transcript available for this episode. That’s also in the Description. So, go down and click on that if you need it. And if you like this podcast, please give it a five-
star rating and a review, and share it with anyone else you know who’s learning English. Alright, let’s get started.

Okay, let’s talk about spring. So, this year, spring begins on March 20, 2023,
which is today… not for me, because I’m recording this in February, but it will be today
when you actually listen to this podcast episode.
So, let’s first talk about what spring represents, okay? So, I think the first thing
that comes to mind for me, when I think of spring, is I think of life. Right? And it’s very
apparent when you look outside during spring that there’s a lot of life and vitality and
new things, right, in terms of nature and things like that.

So, for example, the flowers bloom in spring. In English, when we say that
something “blooms,” this means that a flower… we usually use this with flowers…
actually becomes a flower, if you know what I mean. It actually becomes the full image
of a flower and that we have in our minds. I’m not great at describing things related to
flowers or plants because I don’t know much about this, but you get my point. Right?
Flowers bloom in the spring. So, we see that life in the flowers of course.

And the leaves return to the trees because, usually, during winter, a lot of leaves
fall off the trees. So, the trees are bare, as we might say. This means that they don’t
have anything on them. They’re bare. So, during the winter, the trees can become bare,
and for some people, it might look a little bit ugly, right, because there’s nothing on
them. But during spring, the leaves return and the trees look alive again. And they start
to regain their normal appearance.

And one of the coolest things about spring is the colors, right? The colors,
depending on where you live, can be very different in the spring than they are in other
seasons. So, a lot of times, you can see pink and yellow and orange and purple and all
kinds of interesting colors start to appear all around you during this season.

And I personally think this is really cool. I like to see all the different colors. I like
that image. This is a very nice time of year for that reason alone, I think. And all of these
things, like flowers and leaves and the colors and all of that, they all kind of make you
think of life, right, when you look outside the window during this season.

And this also makes sense that we attribute this characteristic of life to the
season of spring because, of course, this is also the season when we have Easter,
right? In many countries, Easter is celebrated, and the reason for Easter is the
resurrection of Jesus Christ, right, coming back to life. And so, the whole season itself
is related to life. It’s related to rejuvenation, right? It’s related to renewal. All of those

And I think that spring also represents new beginnings for a lot of people. I think
when people see all of the changes outside, they see the colors become bright and the
leaves return, and the flowers bloom, people kind of feel like they have another
beginning, right, another opportunity that year. Things are new and fresh.
So, I think that a lot of people associate spring with new beginnings because we
tend to think of it as the first season of the year as well, right?

We usually say spring,
summer, autumn, winter. Of course, if you live in the southern hemisphere, then this will
be the opposite, right? But I live in the northern hemisphere, and for us, we usually
think of spring as the first season, even though in January, it’s still winter, right? But
yeah, people associate spring with new beginnings.

And I think some people think of spring as the point after the hardest time
because winter is usually the time when people struggle the most in terms of their
physical environment, right? If you live in a place that has extreme weather, then winter
always gives you the most problems. It gives you the most challenges, right, compared
to other seasons. And so, when spring finally comes, it kind of feels like that you have
already passed through the hardest time.

And in English, and probably in a lot of languages, we also use the word “winter”
in a figurative sense to talk about a difficult time, right? Getting through the winter..
right, that’s associated with getting through a hard time. And for me personally, I also
agree with this because, as you probably know by now, I don’t like the cold weather or
extreme weather and so, when spring finally comes, to me, it feels like I’ve gotten
through the hardest time of the year. And now, the next eight months or so are going to
be nice. So, I definitely feel like that as well.

So, let me talk a little bit about spring in some of the different places where I’ve
lived. So, let me talk about spring and San Diego first. That’s where I live now. So here,
in spring, everything is green. And this is significant because San Diego isn’t

necessarily the greenest city. It’s actually kind of like a desert here. It’s pretty dry. It’s
not a complete desert, of course, but it’s closer to a desert than it is to forest, let’s say.
Right? We have more desert-like weather.

And so, in spring, what’s interesting is we have the opportunity to see green
everywhere. At other times throughout the year, specifically in summer or in fall, things
are not green. Right? A lot of the grass and the hills are more yellow at that point.
Right? The grass is dry during those seasons.

But now, since we just got through the rainy season, we’re actually surrounded
by green grass, green hills. Everything looks beautiful in that sense. So, that’s one thing
that’s actually a positive about the rain here, is that it turns everything green.
Everything’s alive. It’s good for the land, of course. So, during spring, we get to enjoy
grass and things like that, that is actually alive and not completely dry. So, that’s pretty
significant here.

And it also means that there won’t be a lot of rain until the wintertime. So, once
spring comes, this means that the rain is usually done for the most part. Obviously,
there will be some rainy days throughout the year, but probably just a couple every
month at the most, right? Most of the days are going to be either sunny or they might
be cloudy, but we won’t have a ton of rain, and we won’t have a ton of storms.

So, spring in San Diego means that the rain has passed for the most part right?
In English, when we say the phrase “for the most part,” what we’re saying is mostly.
For example, if I say, “For the most part, I’m doing okay,” what I’m saying is I’m mostly
doing okay, not 100%, but mostly. So, for the most part, this means that there won’t be
much rain until the wintertime.

And so, the weather becomes comfortable. In my opinion, spring might be the
best time to visit San Diego. I think that it’s not too hot. It’s not too cold. Everything’s
green. There isn’t a ton of rain. And so, this might be a great time for you to plan a trip
to San Diego if that’s on your list of destinations where you want to go.

Alright, how about spring in Guadalajara? This is where I spent most of the last
six years. This is in the middle of Mexico. And during spring in Guadalajara, it is hot.
This is the time of year when most people actually complain the most about the hot
weather. During the summer, it’s hot, but it rains. And so, for a lot of people, it’s more
bearable. In English, when we say that something is “bearable,” this means that you
can handle it. So, if it’s unbearable, this means that you can’t handle it.

So, for some people, spring in Guadalajara is unbearable because it’s very hot.
But I think that people tend to exaggerate a little bit when it comes to the hot weather
in Guadalajara. I’ve been to some cities in the US, for example, that are much hotter
than Guadalajara, So, I never complained about that, and I like the hot weather. So, this
is great for me.

And during spring, you’ll start to see more fruit on the trees. This is cool because
we don’t see this a lot in the US, where tropical fruit or things like that will just start
growing on trees that are just on the street, for example. That’s not something you see
very often. People plant their own fruit trees in their backyard, for example, but it’s not
something that you just see walking down the street, like trees with mangoes or things
like that.

However, in Guadalajara, you do see this. So, you start to see mangoes on the
trees, avocados… I forget exactly when these fruits start appearing on trees, but I think

it’s usually during the spring, during the late spring, maybe. It might be during the early
summer, but during this time you start to see some fruit on trees. And right now, at the
time of recording this, it’s still February, but my wife is in Guadalajara right now, and
she’s eating mango every day. So, they already have good, ripe mangoes in

So, as you can see, during spring, or even before spring, because now it’s still
the winter, we start to see more fruit and things like that. And for me, I think spring is
the perfect time in Guadalajara because it’s still not rainy, and it’s not cold, and it’s
warm. So, I really liked this season in Guadalajara as well.

And then lastly, let me talk about spring in Oregon, because I lived in Oregon for
a couple years. This is the state that’s above California. So, because it’s farther north,
spring is a more beautiful season than it is in San Diego, for example. So, there’s a
more dramatic change that happens during this season. The flowers are blooming
everywhere, colors are changing. You start to see really amazing colors… you know,
purples and pinks and red and all kinds of different interesting colors all around you.
The nature just completely changes.

And I thought that this was gorgeous when I was there. In English, the word
“gorgeous” just means really beautiful. So, I thought the nature was gorgeous in the
spring there. The change was really dramatic as I said, because in winter, everything
just dies. The trees are bare. Everything’s gray. And then, suddenly, everything just
completely changes during spring. It’s pretty dramatic. It’s a cool thing to witness.

But there’s one really bad thing about spring in Oregon, or other places,
depending on where you live, and that is that this is the time when people that suffer
from allergies… this is the time that they suffer the most. So, the flowers are blooming
and there is pollen.

And this often causes problems for people with allergies.
And I remember that one of the years that I was there was really hard for me in
the spring because of my allergies. My eyes were affected. My nose was affected. I
had never experienced that before because it’s not that big of a deal here in San Diego.

We don’t have all of this pollen and all of these flowers compared to where I was living
in Oregon. So, that was an interesting experience for me to suffer from allergies like
that for the first time because I don’t usually suffer from allergies, but that happened to
me when I was there. So, that’s one negative thing about spring in Oregon. But overall,
it’s really beautiful. It’s gorgeous.

And so, what are some notable events in spring? What are some things that
happen during this season? Well, as I mentioned, we have Easter, and this is a huge
celebration in many countries. There are a lot of things that happen around the Easter
holiday, and of course, for a lot of people, this is a very important holiday. It’s a very
meaningful day. So, Easter happens during spring.

And we usually have spring break right before Easter in the US. Spring Break
refers to a time period where people don’t go to school. So, they might have one week
or even two weeks off from school. And so, they can go on vacation or just do different
things. A lot of people to travel during spring break. They want to go to different
destinations and have fun. So, that also happens in the spring.

In the US, baseball season starts in the spring, at the very end of March. I think
that’s when it starts. I wouldn’t normally think of baseball that much when I think of
spring. But this year, I’m actually planning on going to more baseball games now that

I’m in the US, and so that’s something that’s been on my mind recently. That’s
something that also starts in the spring.
And one of my favorite things about spring is that Daylight Savings Time begins.
This year, it will begin, I think, a week before spring. So, by the time you listen to this, it
will already be Daylight Savings Time.

And this is the time when we change our clocks so that we have more sunlight in the afternoon, in the evening. And I love this because I love long days. I love the sunlight. I love spending more time outdoors than indoors.
So, this is fantastic for me because I suddenly gain an extra hour of sunlight. So, that’s
one of my favorite things about spring.

And so, how does spring rank for me in terms of seasons? In English, the word
“rank” could be a noun or a verb, and it refers to ordering different things in terms of
best and worst. So, where does spring rank for me compared to the other seasons? I
think I’ve already answered this, maybe, in another podcast episode. I think I talked
about my favorite season. But to be honest, I can’t even remember what I said my
favorite season was. So, this answer that I give now might contradict an earlier answer
that I’ve given. But people change, so maybe my favorite season has changed over
time. I don’t know.

But I would first say that it depends a little bit on where I am, because in some
places, spring is still cold. It’s not that warm yet. So, that would be a little different
from, let’s say, spring in Guadalajara, where it’s already hot during that time. But I think
if I take into consideration the places where I’ve lived, and particularly San Diego and
Guadalajara I think I’d have to say that spring is my favorite season.

So, I think that it’s number one because of the weather, because of Daylight
Savings Time, because of all of that. I think spring is probably my favorite time of year.
So, I don’t know if I said that before, or if I gave a different answer in another episode,
but I think now in 2023, I think spring is my favorite season.

Alright, why don’t we stop there for today? I hope this episode was interesting
for you, and I hope it was good practice for your listening. Remember to sign up for my
membership if you want my specialized training. And if this podcast is a little bit easy
for you, then make sure to become a Listening Time Family Member or VIP, and you’ll
get my advanced podcast episodes where I speak fast. And if you want to ask me
questions regarding English or language learning, then become a Listening Time VIP,
and you can ask me questions, and I’ll answer them in a weekly Q&A session.

And remember to follow me on Facebook as well. And remember that you have
the transcript for this episode. All of that is in the Description below this episode. And if
you like this podcast, please give it a five-star rating and a review, and share it with
anyone you know who’s learning English. Alright, thank you for listening to this
episode, and I’ll talk to you on the next episode of Listening Time.
*Click on this link to access my Q&A Sessions, Advanced Podcast Episodes, Bonus
Episodes, and Listening Practice Seminars: www.patreon.com/listeningtime

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